Consider offering your help to the public by becoming a QUILT Modest Means attorney.
In Pima County, there is a real need for access to legal services for the middle- to low-income individuals and families who are "too rich" for free legal services and "too poor" to afford normal legal fees. As a result, this group can fall through the cracks of the legal system. PCBA's Qualified Income Legal Team (QUILT) Modest Means Program was designed to assist this group within the public population, and is comprised of local attorneys who have agreed to provide legal services to financially-eligible clients at the program's rates.
The QUILT Program covers seven legal areas: (1) Divorce (with & without children, (2) Forclosure, (3) General Civil Litigation, (4) Guardianship, (5) Landlord/Tenant, (6) D.U.I., & (7) Criminal Misdemeanors.
The QUILT Program IS NOT a free service. Potential clients must complete the client application form and meet the program's financial qualifications to participate. Clients submit a non-refundable $30 administrative fee with their applications. Those who meet the program's guidelines are then given the contact information of a participating attorney in the appropriate legal area. Clients initially receive a 30-minute consultation with the attorney, in which the legal circumstances are discussed and future plans/arrangements (including fees are discussed).
Details about the QUILT Program, how it works, and the requirements of participating attorneys are included on each attorney application. TO JOIN: PLEASE REVIEW, COMPLETE & RETURN THE APPROPRIATE APPLICATION FORM.
Please return applications to the PCBA Office. You can fax it to (520) 623-9772, email it as an attachment to, or mail it to: LRS/QUILT Program, P.O. Box 2189, Tucson, Arizona 85702. If you have any questions about the QUILT program, please call or email PCBA at (520) 623-8258 or
$35 for a 30-minute consultation from a qualified, local lawyer.
Request a lawyer onlineOr call us! We're here to help.
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.